Cost of Living in 1988

Cost of Living 1988

Yearly Inflation Rate USA4.08%
Year End Close Dow Jones Industrial Average 2168
Interest Rates Year End Federal Reserve 10.50%
Average Cost of new house $91,600
Median Price Of and Existing Home $90,600
Average Income per year $24,450.00
Average Monthly Rent $420.00
Average Price for new car $10,400.00
1 gallon of gas 91 cents 
Movie Ticket $3.50
US Postage Stamp 24 cents
Dozen Eggs 65 cents
Gallon 2% Milk $1.89
Pork Chops Lb 40 cents
Lotus 123 Spreadsheet S/W $299.00
Star NSX Dot Matrix Printer $189.00
Logitech Mouse $89.99
Amiga Computer With Color Monitor $849.00

IBM PC with 30Mb Hard Disk, Mono Monitor and 512K Memory $1249.00

Ford Taurus $9,996
Volkswagen Rabbit $7,104

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